Pos. 17 Take me to go

Act I Passenger (Syndrome)

Sculptural Installation and performative Intervention by Hanna Kučera

Player: Kristyna Nytrova, Hanna Kučera, steel, silicone, latex, leather, textiles, magnets, rolls, portable parts, text, sound

Choreography was created in collaboration with Kristyna Nytrova and Hanna Kučera

“Pos. 17 Take me to go” is part of the Group Exhibition of the Winners of the
“Bundespreis für Kunststudierende 2023” https://www.kunst-wettbewerb.de/

Bundeskunsthalle Bonn

⌵  Videodocumentation of the Play ⌵
Kamera I Ulf Rütsch
Kamera II Andrea Kučera
© 2023 Hanna Kučera

⌵ Score engraved into 10 x 10 cm steel plates ⌵

 ⌵ Photos: Sarah Larissa Heuser, 2023 © Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland GmbH ⌵

⌵ preview of the Play ⌵
Kamera Hanna Kučera and Kristyna Nytrova

© 2023 Hanna Kučera